Saturday, September 26, 2009

Carlos y el Cuerpo de Paz

Mbae´chapa!   Hello!
Chererà Carlos!  My name is Charles
Che aspirante de Cuerpo Pazpegua! I´m a Peace Corps Trainee!
Che Estado Unidogua! I am from the United States

Welcome to the amount of conversation that I can have with my host family in Guaranì.  Haha good thing that i have a little spanish to fall back on.  Not that my spanish is great though...haha.  So far I am saying a few things and smiling a whole lot.  I give a lot of thumbs up is money.

Also, my name is (un)officially Carlos from henceforth, which is kind of fun.  My host family is wonderful and are taking very good care of me!  I got my first shot and my first killer bee sting the other day, so that was fun too.  Three cows live in my yard, which is great, and i have a mango and a lime tree!  mango season should peak around good times are a´comin.

But for now, this internet is costing money, and I could type this out on my laptop and bring it in to the internet cafè and do this for much less.

Just because i´m in another country, doesn´t mean i´m still not cheap.  haha.

much love.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Nah, Nah, Nah...Nah, Nah, Nah...

Hey Hey Hey...Goodybe!

Ok kids, here we are.  I am leaving for Peace Corps Staging tommorow and there are a few things i need to let you all know.

1) I have an address!

Charles D. Helms, PCT
Cuerpo de Paz
162 Chaco Boreal c/Mcal. López
Asunción 1580, Paraguay
South America

There is nothing that would mean anything more to me in the world than if you wrote me a letter! I'll write you back. pinky promise.

2) To anyone reading this (well anyone I know at least).  I love you very much. From the bottom of my heart to the top of my nose. The thing i'll miss most about the united states are my wonderful friends and family.  I have a small song that I need you to here that you might be encouraged by the eternal nature of our relationship.

I am your brother.

you are my simon.

peace (corps) out.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fast Food Fun For Friends or F.F.F.F.F

McDonalds McCafe 'Intellectuals' commercial at

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1) I love Mickey D's coffee.

2) You need to know where Paraguay is.

3) If you don't...let's talk.

4) Only 11 days left!!!!!!!!!!! (that is one exclamation point for every day.)