Saturday, October 24, 2009


Mayonaisse. yep. i´m not even sure if that is how you spell it.  but it is an important part of life here in least for this one peace corps trainee.

  1. Brand of choice in my host family.  Hellmans. which they think sounds very similar to Helms.  I am now affectionately knows as Carlos Helmmans, or Carlos Mayonesa by by host sister.  It makes me laugh every time.
  2. Salad - mayonaisse is the salad topper of choice for many people.  maybe you get a lime sometimes. I´m not proud, I´m not happy, but I ain´t gonna lie...i lay the mayo on my salad sometime
          ...sin verguenza, so they say.
  1. The mayo is made with sunflower just makes me a little happier knowing that within every calorie packed little drop...i´m also eating a little bit of sunshine...mmmmm...

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