Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Run Down

Who: Charles D. Helms (yours truly)

What: Moving to Paraguay to be a "Crop Extensionist"

Why: To serve for 2 years in the United States Peace Corps

When: I'm leaving on September 22! I'll be at staging in Miami for like a day, then down to Paraguay I go, with an undetermined number of new friends.  3 months in the the city of Guarambare for training then...who knows.

Current Emotional State: Over the rainbow, exuberant, nervous, scared, optimistic, excited to say the least.

Definition of a "Crop Extensionist" : I'll be working with farmers to increase soil productivity, crop diversity, introduce new farming techniques, act as a in-between with the government, strech out vegetables? (no)

Biggest Worry: Psh...i'll worry when I stop being pumped up.

Biggest Excitement: Living with Host families! Not that I don't love my current family...i'm just not sure how well they can teach me to make empanadas.

Current Goals:
  • Brush up on my Spanish
  • Come and visit you. (if you are reading this then you probably deserve a visit or hug or high five or something)
  • Resist the urge to indulge in America just because i'm going to leave it for 2 years.
Why am I writing a blog: Why not?  I'm not a great writer, but now you can see pictures and blurbs about my life since I'll be down south for a little while.

I think that covers all the FAQ's, and I probably won't attempt writing anything else till right before I leave, or right when I arrive, or right after I arrive.  One of those.

AdiĆ³s Amigos

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